
Proper Skin Care

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To keep young skin as long as possible, you need to take good care of it. I’ve put together a few rules that need to be followed.


My mother took good care of her skin from a young age and taught me these habits. That’s why the right care has always been something obvious to me.

But recently I realized that not all girls take care of their faces the way they should. So I decided to share my golden rules of care.
Daily care.

The first and most important rule is regularity. You need care every morning and every evening. These procedures should include cleansing, toning, moisturizing. All products should be selected by skin type.

Cleansing is best done with foam or milk for washing. Of course, regular water can also be used, but special products will do a better job. In the evening before cleansing, all cosmetics on your face should be removed.

You should tonic your face, without it the effect of moisturizing will not be effective.

Face should be moisturized with a cream. In summer sutra you can use a cream with SPF-protection, it will not only moisturize, but also protect the skin from the sun.

These three points should be systematically repeated 2 times a day, wherever you are. Believe me, it will soon become a habit of yours.


Weekly care

Every week, additional treatments should be done to ensure that the skin is rested, regained and healthy. To do this 2 times a week, I advise to make facial masks, with some special effect or just moisturizing. In addition, also 2 times you can glue patches, which will take care of the skin under the eyes. These procedures are not complicated and quite pleasant, the main thing is to decide exactly what it will be days, and stick to the schedule.

face mask

Errors in leaving

  • You should never go to bed in cosmetics under any circumstances. Facial pores do not breathe under cosmetics, and the fat released by the skin is mixed with all the dirt and goes inside. I assure you, you do not need such a cocktail.
  • You can’t wipe your face, you have to soak it so as not to hurt your skin.
  • You should soak your face with thin wipes, not a towel. Old cells remain on the towel, which, when wiped again, return to the skin and clog it.
  • You can only apply cosmetics to the cream so that it does not clog the pores. The cream is a protection. And the cream can not be applied to an untinted face, because it will not work.
  • Mask can not be applied to the skin under the eyes, it’s too gentle. There’s a reason they invented patches especially for her!
  • While taking care of the face, do not forget about the neck, because it is she who can give the age.
  • Apply all the means on the face should be on massage lines, so as not to stretch the skin.

Age-related cosmetic labels

What are the criteria for choosing skin care products at different ages and why can’t you use a cream marked “anti-age” if you are 20 years old?

As your body grows older, your skin care will change as you age:

  • At 20+ years of age, the body’s natural aging process begins, and although the first external signs of skin’s maturity will not be visible for long, it’s already time to take care of the prevention of aging. Skin needs antioxidant support and intensive hydration at this age. Eye moisturizers should be included in your Buty Routine from the age of 25. Young skin makes the most of its own resources and is well regenerated, so moisturizing and regular cleansing will be enough to maintain its tone.
  • At 30+ years of age, the synthesis of hyaluronic acid, collagen and other elements needed to maintain skin density, firmness and elasticity is already visibly reduced. By the age of 35 there are noticeable age-related changes: expression lines, dehydration fractures, skin loses its tone. It is recommended to strengthen antioxidant support, add protection against ultraviolet and include anti-aging formulas based on hyaluronic acid and collagen in Buty Routine.
  • At 40+ years of age it’s time to fully fight against age-related changes. By the age of 45 many people have such noticeable manifestations of skin maturity as pigmentation, deformation of the face oval, deep creases and a net of fine lines in the eye and lip area, reducing skin turgor. At this age, the cosmetic bag is replenished with retinol, peptides, framnose in the composition.
  • At 50+ years of age there comes a period of age hormonal restructuring of the body. Almost all the elements that support youthfulness and tone of the skin, stop the natural synthesis and they need to be filled with appropriate compensatory care. Facial contours begin to change, gravitational ptosis appears, the skin thinns, loses its density, becomes dry and sensitive. The compensatory care includes powerful anti-aging formulas that compensate for moisture and collagen deficiencies in skin cells.

How to choose the best products for your daily facial care

The basis of the bethie routine for any age is almost the same set of procedures, differing only in intensity of application and concentration of the formulations.


In the morning and evening we cleanse the skin of sebum particles, sweat, cosmetics and external contamination. Use micellar water to remove make-up residue (even persistent) from your eyes.


Additional deep cleansing with peelings and scrubs, aimed at intensive exfoliation and subsequent accelerated skin regeneration. It is performed 1-2 times a week.


The final stage of purification: it restores the skin’s pH and prepares it for basic care.


Easy to texture, additional care product: can be used before the cream or as an independent stage. Has a highly concentrated aiming formula to solve a specific problem.

Cream .

The basic and final stage of care aimed at correcting existing imperfections and preventing new ones. Depending on the needs of the skin, aimed at moisturizing, nourishing, protecting, restoring the skin or a powerful anti-aging support. Highlights are day and night creams.
Protection from the sun

As a separate stage of day care: prevents photoageing and other negative effects of UV radiation on the skin.


all care products should be selected according to the type and needs of your skin.

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